Sustainability at


Sustaina­bi­lity –
Property for the future

With our projects, we actively parti­ci­pate in the further develo­p­ment of cities and are very conscious of the fact that in doing so, we also assume respon­si­bi­lity for people and the environ­ment. For those who live in them, but also for those with whom we work together on our projects. We there­fore ensure that all our actions are guided by the criteria of environ­mental, social and gover­nance (ESG) – all processes and aspects of our work are ESG-compliant.

Immobilien für die Zukunft© Adobe Stock

ESG in the

Making a big diffe­rence always begins one tiny step at a time. That’s why we pay atten­tion to the impact that even the most everyday actions have on the future - ecolo­gi­cally, socially and legally. As such, we only ever use sustainable office materials in our offices, utilize green electri­city, and offer fair-trade coffee. We pay atten­tion to ergonomic workplaces and healthy lunches as well as to regular training for our employees.

To offset our CO₂ emissions caused by rail travel and flights, we support climate protec­tion projects in Nigeria, India and Kenya together with the non-profit organiza­tion atmos­fair. You can access the certi­fi­cate for the green­house gases we offset in 2022 here.

To ensure that we always have our finger on the pulse when it comes to ESG, we have set up a task force speci­fi­cally for this purpose.

ESG in

Buildings account for around 40% of energy consump­tion and emissions in the European Union. There­fore, the respon­si­bi­lity we have as develo­pers is considerable, and we strive to live up to it in each and every project. Our commit­ment begins with the efficient planning of our projects, conti­nues with green or reten­tion roofs and rainwater manage­ment, and is finalized with the use of renewable energy sources and high energy standards.

Of course, we also attach great importance to social aspects. Age-appro­priate, barrier-free living or special arran­ge­ments for student housing are just as much a part of our projects as working in partner­ship with public and social insti­tu­tions or imple­men­ting neigh­bour­hood manage­ment struc­tures in larger mixed-use neighbourhoods.

In all our activi­ties, we comply with the current legis­la­tion on minimum wages and on curbing illegal employ­ment. For us, this is a matter of course.

Our partner­ships

HAMBURG TEAM is an innova­tion partner in the integral platform Madaster, provi­ding insights into recycling manage­ment, separa­bi­lity, bound CO₂ and the value of commo­di­ties in finan­cial terms. As a part of the network, we engage at an early stage in the develo­p­ment of new, advanced approa­ches for the conti­nuous advance­ment of sustainable develo­p­ment. The partner­ship seeks to contri­bute positively to our built environ­ment while meeting environ­mental and social demands.

Since 2022, we have also been a partner in the Coali­tion for Timber Construc­tion - an initia­tive for sustainable construc­tion. Wood as a CO₂-neutral building material enables us to take a decisive step toward the Paris climate protec­tion targets. The renewable raw material and the innova­tive modular construc­tion method enable systemic and circular construc­tion. In addition, the timber building method fulfills the ESG criterion „Environ­mental“ to a special degree. Building with wood is climate-friendly, process-optimized and creates an environ­ment condu­cive to health.

In July 2023, we joined the Berlin associa­tion Transit­räume to make open spaces in our proper­ties available for interim cultural use. Transit­räume Berlin e.V. organizes the use of vacant proper­ties and mediates between creatives, politi­cians and property owners. By offering spaces for art and culture, we wish to contri­bute to revita­li­zing locations and especi­ally urban districts.

Sustainable projects

ESG in
invest­ment management

We do not only act sustain­ably when construc­ting buildings. When it comes to our invest­ment products in parti­cular, we take a close look at whether our actions are also in the best interests of future genera­tions. Sustaina­bi­lity is not just one of many factors in our invest­ment strategy, it is decisive - for both ourselves and our inves­tors, as well as for the environ­ment in which we invest.

  • HAMBURG TEAM Invest­ment GmbH is a partner in multiple sustaina­bi­lity projects. As one of more than 100 member compa­nies of the ESG Circle of Real Estate, E-CORE for short, we have made it our goal to estab­lish a robust and viable industry standard for measu­ring the sustaina­bi­lity perfor­mance of real estate and portfolios.

    Since 2019, we have also been a partner of the PRI - Princi­ples for Respon­sible Invest­ments investor initia­tive launched by the United Nations. You can access our Respon­sible Invest­ment Policy here.

    We became a member of the German federal initia­tive Impact Inves­ting in July 2023. In working groups and within the scope of various projects, we are actively involved in the expan­sion and deepe­ning of impact inves­ting in Germany. The initia­tive pursues the vision of regene­ra­tive inves­ting and economic activity that respects both ecolo­gical limits and social standards.

  • Logos Spendenprojekte bei HAMBURG TEAM

    On behalf of our inves­tors, we are involved in various fundrai­sing projects. We sponsor a bee colony at BEE-RENT, for example, and donate to the German Depres­sion Aid Founda­tion, which aims to improve care for people suffe­ring from depres­sion and reduce the incidence of death by suicide in Germany. We also make annual donations to „Die Arche“, which is dedicated to helping children from socially disad­van­taged backgrounds. We also support the Ottobock Global Founda­tion, which provides injured war refugees with prostheses, orthoses and wheel­chairs, as well as the Loki Schmidt Stiftung, which has been buying, planning and maintai­ning land for nature conser­va­tion for 40 years. Another initia­tive that can count on us as a donation partner is the „Money Hangs on Trees“ project, which harvests leftover fruit and conti­nues to process this into juices.

  • Since the estab­lish­ment of HTIM, our fund products have been incre­asingly inves­ting in subsi­dized and affordable rental housing, housing for the elderly, and energy-efficient new buildings (especi­ally KfW-55 standard or higher).
    On March 10, 2021, the EU Disclo­sure Regula­tion came into force, the main inten­tion of which is to encou­rage sustainable invest­ment. It is designed to help inves­tors in their product selec­tion by classi­fying funds into three diffe­rent catego­ries, which corre­spond to Articles 6, 8 and 9 of the Regula­tion. We have already started to classify the first two of our existing funds as ESG strategy funds as defined in Article 8 and plan to initiate all other funds as ESG strategy funds as defined in Article 8 or 9 going forward.

ESG in
property manage­ment

We are a modern and customer-oriented property manager, and the sustaina­bi­lity of real estate is an important factor in our day-to-day opera­tions. We take care to balance environ­mental, social and gover­nance criteria. An econo­mical and respon­sible use of available resources while maintai­ning economic effici­ency is a decisive aspect. We also see it as our duty to raise aware­ness among tenants and service provi­ders so that they conduct their activi­ties in a more sustainable manner. Digitiza­tion is a general prere­qui­site for a functio­ning sustaina­bi­lity strategy, so that the data can be used and compared for relevant evalua­tion processes.

We have imple­mented the follo­wing ESG measures on an ongoing basis:

  • Supplying all managed proper­ties with green electri­city and climate-friendly gas.
  • Succes­sive intro­duc­tion of a digital energy manage­ment system through smart metering
  • Sustaina­bi­lity pream­bles and clauses in rental agreements
  • Support with regard to certifications
  • Imple­men­ta­tion of and compli­ance with energy standards in refur­bish­ments and modernisations


We would be happy to hear from you

Invest­ment profile

Top 7 invest­ment locations as well as other metro­po­litan and univer­sity cities with positive socio-economic and demogra­phic trends.

Attrac­tive urban settings, located close to city centres with strong to very strong public trans­port links; sound to very sound local amenity structures.


  • Priva­tely financed and state-subsi­dised residen­tial properties
  • Residen­tial and commer­cial proper­ties with at lease 70% residen­tial share
  • Conver­sion projects and developments.

Key Criteria
Proper­ties should compro­mise a minimum of 30 units and not be subject to heritable rights.

Transac­tion Structures

  • asset deal
  • share deal
  • forward funding
  • invest­ment volume
  • from €10 million/property.

Invest­ment profile

Germany-wide, in locations with corre­spon­ding demand and positive demogra­phic data (no popula­tion decline, high propor­tion of over-65s), prefer­ably top 30 locations, but also peripheral locations with a catch­ment area of over 15,000 inhabi­tants. 

Attrac­tive locations close to the centre, favourable to very favourable public trans­port connec­tions, good to very good local supply structure.

Assisted living with accom­panying services for seniors (e.g., outpa­tient, assisted living commu­nity, day care, outpa­tient service); full inpatient nursing homes; senior residences; additional usage (e.g., nursery, compact gastro­nomy unit, physio­the­rapy, etc.) available. 

Essen­tial criteria
Existing proper­ties and develo­p­ments; regio­nally networked and credit­worthy opera­tors with experi­enced manage­ment; no heritable building rights.

Transac­tion Structures

  • asset deal (preferred)
  • share deal
  • forward funding.

Invest­ment profile

Major office markets in German large and medium-sized cities with > 500,000 inhabi­tants, urban and mixed-use inner-city and near-city micro-locations with excel­lent acces­si­bi­lity and trans­por­ta­tion links.

Attrac­tive urban locations in close proxi­mity to city centres with sound to very sound public trans­port links; excel­lent to outstan­ding local ameni­ties struc­ture.

Office proper­ties, trans­for­ma­tion proper­ties, business parks and mixed-use proper­ties with a primary office component.

Risk-return profile
Core plus and value add.

Key criteria

  • Single or multi-tenant existing proper­ties, moder­nized or refur­bis­hable existing building struc­ture, flexible floor plan layouts, short- to long-term lease terms 
  • Transac­tion struc­tures 
  • Asset and share deals 
  • Invest­ment volume 
  • Minimum property volume €20 million.

Invest­ment profile

Major German cities and their metro­po­litan regions with positive socio-economic and demogra­phic develo­p­ment.

Attrac­tive urban locations with sound to very sound public trans­port connec­tions; very well integrated into the existing range of services in the surroun­ding area. 

Quarters which enable a high level of diver­si­fi­ca­tion by means of diffe­rent utili­sa­tion types and a broad mix of tenants - inter­play of proper­ties used for diffe­rent purposes in the areas of residen­tial, work and life; an example of a mixed use being: residen­tial, day-care centre, hotel, catering, office, retail; generous and high-quality designed outdoor spaces; future-oriented mobility concept. 

Key criteria

  • Existing proper­ties and develo­p­ments 
  • No heritable building rights.

Transac­tion structures 

  • Asset deal 
  • Share Deal 
  • Forward funding.

Invest­ment volume
Invest­ment volume of ca. €100 million per quarter.

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