Investment Management

Growing value
for the future

HAMBURG TEAM Invest­ment Manage­ment is a strategic partner for insti­tu­tional inves­tors. The company has compre­hen­sive real estate and capital market knowledge and follows a holistic approach to service that spans the entire real estate cycle. Its activi­ties focus on tailored invest­ment concepts and active asset manage­ment of real estate portfo­lios Germany-wide. Inves­tors benefit from excel­lent access to sustainable and attrac­tive real estate projects.

Im Investment Management legen wir viel Wert auf gute Partnerschaft© Sinje Hasheider



€ 2.5 billion

Invest­ment volume




Fund concepts upon which you can build

HAMBURG TEAM Invest­ment Manage­ment is there where demand and return oppor­tu­ni­ties grow. This means we respond to market changes and invest in contem­po­rary residen­tial and commer­cial proper­ties in urban and sustainable locations. Urban density stands for diver­sity and is the basis for the imple­men­ta­tion of a wide range of indivi­dual living concepts. It is there­fore no surprise that we are prima­rily active in major cities and their metro­po­litan regions. Our projects have high poten­tial for value appre­cia­tion, and we set our focus on the follo­wing asset classes:

Objekt Bergisch Gladbach aus dem HTIM Fonds Urbane WohnWerte© Christoph Pforr


A mix of priva­tely financed, modera­tely priced and subsi­dized housing, coupled with conser­va­tive rent deter­mi­na­tion and purchase pricing, leads to sustainable asset values and stable dividend returns. Early invol­vement in new construc­tion projects gives us the oppor­tu­nity to respond quickly to changes in market condi­tions. When purcha­sing proper­ties, we utilize attrac­tive develo­p­ment loans with additional repay­ment subsi­dies and KfW (Credit Insti­tute for Recon­s­truc­tion) programmes, thereby minimi­zing finan­cing risks and bringing stabi­lity to the portfolio.

Objekt NIDO 1 in Duisburg aus dem Fonds "Wohnen 70+"© Jens Kirchner


Demogra­phic change is driving demand for suitable housing for seniors. As a result, stable rental income is secured over the long term and the asset class is crisis­proof and indepen­dent of economic cycles. In our invest­ments, we attach importance to energy-efficient building struc­tures, concepts that are close to the quarter and oriented toward living, and opera­tors who live up to their respon­si­bi­lity as employers. We focus on outpa­tient forms of care, such as assisted living or inpatient-ambula­tory mixed care arrangements.

Objekt Fuhle 101 in Hamburg aus dem HTIM Fonds Gewerbe© Arne Mayntz


The past few years have funda­men­tally changed the world of work and the demands placed on sustain­ably attrac­tive buildings. Modern office space concepts must focus on commu­ni­ca­tion, corpo­rate culture and the wellbeing of employees. Sustaina­bi­lity requi­re­ments neces­si­tate the trans­for­ma­tion and refur­bish­ment of existing buildings. Whilst this requires massive, targeted invest­ment and a high level of technical exper­tise, it also offers our inves­tors signi­fi­cantly rising initial yields and risk premiums for a very attrac­tive risk-return ratio within the new market cycle.

© Werner Huthmacher


The asset class “quarters” combines diffe­rent types of real estate that are situated in a spatial context. A broad spectrum of residen­tial uses brings vitality to the neigh­bour­hood and offers stabi­lity in terms of earnings. Commer­cial buildings benefit from this environ­ment and can simul­ta­neously assume local supply functions for the entire neigh­bour­hood. We combine this with holistic neigh­bour­hood manage­ment, which leads to an incre­asing quality of life for all residents and users, and ultim­ately leads to the creation of an indivi­dual community.


We would be happy to hear from you

Invest­ment profile

Top 7 invest­ment locations as well as other metro­po­litan and univer­sity cities with positive socio-economic and demogra­phic trends.

Attrac­tive urban settings, located close to city centres with strong to very strong public trans­port links; sound to very sound local amenity structures.


  • Priva­tely financed and state-subsi­dised residen­tial properties
  • Residen­tial and commer­cial proper­ties with at lease 70% residen­tial share
  • Conver­sion projects and developments.

Key Criteria
Proper­ties should compro­mise a minimum of 30 units and not be subject to heritable rights.

Transac­tion Structures

  • asset deal
  • share deal
  • forward funding
  • invest­ment volume
  • from €10 million/property.

Invest­ment profile

Germany-wide, in locations with corre­spon­ding demand and positive demogra­phic data (no popula­tion decline, high propor­tion of over-65s), prefer­ably top 30 locations, but also peripheral locations with a catch­ment area of over 15,000 inhabi­tants. 

Attrac­tive locations close to the centre, favourable to very favourable public trans­port connec­tions, good to very good local supply structure.

Assisted living with accom­panying services for seniors (e.g., outpa­tient, assisted living commu­nity, day care, outpa­tient service); full inpatient nursing homes; senior residences; additional usage (e.g., nursery, compact gastro­nomy unit, physio­the­rapy, etc.) available. 

Essen­tial criteria
Existing proper­ties and develo­p­ments; regio­nally networked and credit­worthy opera­tors with experi­enced manage­ment; no heritable building rights.

Transac­tion Structures

  • asset deal (preferred)
  • share deal
  • forward funding.

Invest­ment profile

Major office markets in German large and medium-sized cities with > 500,000 inhabi­tants, urban and mixed-use inner-city and near-city micro-locations with excel­lent acces­si­bi­lity and trans­por­ta­tion links.

Attrac­tive urban locations in close proxi­mity to city centres with sound to very sound public trans­port links; excel­lent to outstan­ding local ameni­ties struc­ture.

Office proper­ties, trans­for­ma­tion proper­ties, business parks and mixed-use proper­ties with a primary office component.

Risk-return profile
Core plus and value add.

Key criteria

  • Single or multi-tenant existing proper­ties, moder­nized or refur­bis­hable existing building struc­ture, flexible floor plan layouts, short- to long-term lease terms 
  • Transac­tion struc­tures 
  • Asset and share deals 
  • Invest­ment volume 
  • Minimum property volume €20 million.

Invest­ment profile

Major German cities and their metro­po­litan regions with positive socio-economic and demogra­phic develo­p­ment.

Attrac­tive urban locations with sound to very sound public trans­port connec­tions; very well integrated into the existing range of services in the surroun­ding area. 

Quarters which enable a high level of diver­si­fi­ca­tion by means of diffe­rent utili­sa­tion types and a broad mix of tenants - inter­play of proper­ties used for diffe­rent purposes in the areas of residen­tial, work and life; an example of a mixed use being: residen­tial, day-care centre, hotel, catering, office, retail; generous and high-quality designed outdoor spaces; future-oriented mobility concept. 

Key criteria

  • Existing proper­ties and develo­p­ments 
  • No heritable building rights.

Transac­tion structures 

  • Asset deal 
  • Share Deal 
  • Forward funding.

Invest­ment volume
Invest­ment volume of ca. €100 million per quarter.

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