Privacy policy concer­ning our social media pages

When you visit our social media pages, it may be neces­sary to process data relating to you. We would there­fore like to inform you below, in accordance with article 13 of the General Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO), about the handling of your data and your rights resul­ting from this. 


HAMBURG TEAM Gesell­schaft für Projekt­ent­wick­lung mbH operates the follo­wing social media sites: 

You can find our contact infor­ma­tion here: Imprint.

Also respon­sible for the proces­sing of your personal data in addition to our company is the operator of the social media platform. To the extent that we can influence data proces­sing and set parame­ters for it, we will use our best efforts to ensure that the operator of the social media platform handles your data in a manner that complies with data protec­tion laws. In this regard, please also note the data protec­tion state­ments of the respec­tive social media platforms. 

How we process data  

The data you enter on our social media pages, such as usernames, comments, videos, images, likes, public messages, etc. are published by the social media platform and are not processed by us for any other purpose at any time. We only reserve the right to delete content if this should be neces­sary. Where appro­priate, we share your content on our site if this is a function of the social media platform and commu­ni­cate with you via the social media platform. 

Where you submit a request to us on the social media platform, depen­ding on the content, we may also refer you to other secure commu­ni­ca­tion channels that guarantee confi­den­tia­lity. For example, you have the option at any time to send us your inqui­ries to the address or E-mail address listed in the Imprint. The choice of the appro­priate commu­ni­ca­tion channel lies in this case in your own respon­si­bi­lity. The legal basis for the proces­sing of your data is art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 (f) General Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO). This data proces­sing is carried out in the interests of public relations for our company and in order to be able to commu­ni­cate with custo­mers. 

Some social media platforms create statis­tics that are based on usage data and contain infor­ma­tion about your inter­ac­tion with our social media site. We cannot influence the opera­tion and provi­sion of these statis­tics, nor can we prevent them. 

We do not, however, make use of optional statis­tics of the social media platform. 

We process this infor­ma­tion in accordance with art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 (f) of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO) in the interest of valida­ting the use of our social media pages and impro­ving our content in a target group-oriented manner. 

If you wish to object to certain data proces­sing over which we have control, please contact us using the contact details provided in the imprint. 

Period of Storage 

We delete your personal data when they are no longer required for the afore­men­tioned proces­sing   purposes and there are no legal reten­tion obliga­tions that prevent deletion. 

Proces­sing of data by the operator of the social media platform 

The operator of the social media platform uses web tracking methods. The web tracking may also take place regard­less of whether you are logged in or regis­tered with the social media platform. 

We would there­fore like to point out that it cannot be ruled out that the provider of the social media   platform uses your profile and behavi­oral data to evaluate your habits, personal relati­onships,         prefe­rences, etc. We have no influence on this matter. In this respect, we have no influence on the   proces­sing of your data by the provider of the social media platform, and you there­fore use the social media platform at your own discre­tion. 

More infor­ma­tion on data proces­sing by the provider of the social media platform, confi­gu­ra­tion options for protec­ting your privacy, as well as further objec­tion options and, insofar as available and concluded, the agree­ment in accordance with art. 26 of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO), can be found in the provider’s privacy policy: 

Your user rights 

As a website user, you have the oppor­tu­nity to assert the follo­wing rights both towards the provider of the social media platform and ourselves, provided that the appli­cable requi­re­ments are met: 

1.  Informa­tion rights (art. 15 German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion) (DSGVO).

You have the right to request confir­ma­tion as to whether personal data relating to you is processed; if this is the case, you have a right to infor­ma­tion about this personal data and to the infor­ma­tion listed in detail in Art. 15 German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO). 

2.  Right to recti­fi­ca­tion and deletion (art. 16 and 17 German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion) (DSGVO).

You have the right to request without undue delay the recti­fi­ca­tion of any inaccu­rate personal data concer­ning you and, where appli­cable, the comple­tion of any incom­plete personal data. Further­more, you have the right to request that personal data concer­ning you be deleted without undue delay, provided that one of the reasons, speci­fied in detail in article 17 of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO) applies, e.g. if the data is no longer required for the purposes pursued. 

3.  Right to restric­tion of proces­sing (art. 18 of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion) (DSGVO).

You have the right to request the restric­tion of proces­sing if one of the condi­tions listed in art. 18 of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion applies, for example if you have objected to the proces­sing, for the duration of any verifi­ca­tion. 

4.  Right to data porta­bi­lity (art. 20 of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion) (DSGVO).

In certain cases, which are listed in detail in art. 20 of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO), you have the right to receive the personal data relating to you in a struc­tured, common and machine-readable format or to request the transfer of this data to a third party.

5.  Right of objec­tion (art. 21 of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO))

If data is processed based on our legiti­mate interest pursuant to art. 6 (1) p. 1 (f) German Data        Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO), you have the right to object to the proces­sing at any time for reasons arising from your parti­cular situa­tion. We will then no longer process the personal data unless there are demons­trably compel­ling legiti­mate grounds for the proces­sing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the proces­sing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. 

If the data is processed based on lawful interest for the purpose of direct adver­ti­sing, you have your own right of objec­tion, which you can assert at any time without giving reasons and which will lead to the discon­ti­nua­tion of your data being processed for the purpose of direct adver­ti­sing. 

6.  Right of complaint to a super­vi­sory authority

Pursuant to art. 77 of the German Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (DSGVO), you have the right to lodge a complaint with a super­vi­sory autho­rity if you are of the opinion that the proces­sing of data relating to you violates data protec­tion provi­sions. The right of complaint can be asserted in this regard in parti­cular with a super­vi­sory autho­rity in the member state of your place of residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged infrin­ge­ment. 

Contact details of our data protec­tion officer 

You may contact our external data protec­tion officer for infor­ma­tion on the subject of data protec­tion using the follo­wing contact details: 

Jennifer Jähn-Nguyen
daten­schutz nord GmbH
Sechs­lings­pforte 2
22087 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 59 36 160 – 400
Fax: 040 59 36 160 – 411
E-Mail: ed.dr1725834945on-zt1725834945uhcsn1725834945etad@1725834945eciff1725834945o1725834945

When contac­ting our data protec­tion officer, please also state the respon­sible office named in the imprint. 

Invest­ment profile

Top 7 invest­ment locations as well as other metro­po­litan and univer­sity cities with positive socio-economic and demogra­phic trends.

Attrac­tive urban settings, located close to city centres with strong to very strong public trans­port links; sound to very sound local amenity structures.


  • Priva­tely financed and state-subsi­dised residen­tial properties
  • Residen­tial and commer­cial proper­ties with at lease 70% residen­tial share
  • Conver­sion projects and developments.

Key Criteria
Proper­ties should compro­mise a minimum of 30 units and not be subject to heritable rights.

Transac­tion Structures

  • asset deal
  • share deal
  • forward funding
  • invest­ment volume
  • from €10 million/property.

Invest­ment profile

Germany-wide, in locations with corre­spon­ding demand and positive demogra­phic data (no popula­tion decline, high propor­tion of over-65s), prefer­ably top 30 locations, but also peripheral locations with a catch­ment area of over 15,000 inhabi­tants. 

Attrac­tive locations close to the centre, favourable to very favourable public trans­port connec­tions, good to very good local supply structure.

Assisted living with accom­panying services for seniors (e.g., outpa­tient, assisted living commu­nity, day care, outpa­tient service); full inpatient nursing homes; senior residences; additional usage (e.g., nursery, compact gastro­nomy unit, physio­the­rapy, etc.) available. 

Essen­tial criteria
Existing proper­ties and develo­p­ments; regio­nally networked and credit­worthy opera­tors with experi­enced manage­ment; no heritable building rights.

Transac­tion Structures

  • asset deal (preferred)
  • share deal
  • forward funding.

Invest­ment profile

Major office markets in German large and medium-sized cities with > 500,000 inhabi­tants, urban and mixed-use inner-city and near-city micro-locations with excel­lent acces­si­bi­lity and trans­por­ta­tion links.

Attrac­tive urban locations in close proxi­mity to city centres with sound to very sound public trans­port links; excel­lent to outstan­ding local ameni­ties struc­ture.

Office proper­ties, trans­for­ma­tion proper­ties, business parks and mixed-use proper­ties with a primary office component.

Risk-return profile
Core plus and value add.

Key criteria

  • Single or multi-tenant existing proper­ties, moder­nized or refur­bis­hable existing building struc­ture, flexible floor plan layouts, short- to long-term lease terms 
  • Transac­tion struc­tures 
  • Asset and share deals 
  • Invest­ment volume 
  • Minimum property volume €20 million.

Invest­ment profile

Major German cities and their metro­po­litan regions with positive socio-economic and demogra­phic develo­p­ment.

Attrac­tive urban locations with sound to very sound public trans­port connec­tions; very well integrated into the existing range of services in the surroun­ding area. 

Quarters which enable a high level of diver­si­fi­ca­tion by means of diffe­rent utili­sa­tion types and a broad mix of tenants - inter­play of proper­ties used for diffe­rent purposes in the areas of residen­tial, work and life; an example of a mixed use being: residen­tial, day-care centre, hotel, catering, office, retail; generous and high-quality designed outdoor spaces; future-oriented mobility concept. 

Key criteria

  • Existing proper­ties and develo­p­ments 
  • No heritable building rights.

Transac­tion structures 

  • Asset deal 
  • Share Deal 
  • Forward funding.

Invest­ment volume
Invest­ment volume of ca. €100 million per quarter.

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